Saturday, June 11, 2016

Be the change!! Love your parents!!

Hello readers,

Hoping this post would be read by you all in your good health. It's quite normal that we see people in their early thirties or forties yell at their parents for silly things. I agree that they might annoy us to a certain extent with repeated questions, unnecessary doubts, few messy things which they might have done because of their helplessness due to age factor etc. But think honestly, how many of us might have done the same when we were kids? Do you really think they should be apologized for such behaviour towards them? If your answer is NO, then undoubtedly you're a stone hearted person. For such people, "SORRY PALS!! THIS ARTICLE ISN'T FOR YOU GUYS". 

To be much precise, I feel very bad whenever I have a quarrel or whenever I yell at them. It takes time for me to understand whatever I've done was wrong. I know that most of us feel like apologizing to them immediately but there's something that stops us.. It might take time but one day you'll realize that it's nothing but EGO. You'll definitely be happy, the day you learn to apologize them. As they are the people who taught you what life is, they are the ones who had faced the worst situations just to see us grow. Our parents stopped eating just to feed us better. They worked hard to earn a better livelihood so that we don't face any problems in our lives. And is it not minimal to apologize them for being rude and to love them more?

For all those who have been waiting for the right moment, go ahead and tell your parents how much you love them. Re-think all the moments which we've spent from our childhood, the hardships they faced for us and probably it's the right time we share the moment of LOVE with them. Make sure we do it even before it's late. Few of them might not be that lucky to share their feelings after reading this article but try not to be rude with them from now on. Remember that we might not be like the way they dreamt of but definitely, we could be better than what we are now.

So my dear readers, be the change. Few might be in a desperation to show the world about their status and wellness but just before doing it, do ensure your parents are the first to notice the change. Their love and blessings would definitely count. Please don't ignore them by leaving them at old-age homes etc. They would have left us in day cares like the way most of us are leaving our parents in old-age homes. But they wanted us to be a part of their love and caring. So why not give them the same love which they gave? Or probably a bit of more love than what they showered on us from their childhood? Take time and recollect few important aspects of your life and the presence of your family.

If you feel that you'd like to tell your parents how much you love them, it's never late. Walk to them and tell them how important they are. I'm going to do the same right now. And don't forget, do let us know  now you felt, either by commenting on this article or write to us at
Any stories that you'd like to share about your family, your love life, any good friendship messages that  you'd like to let our readers know, please do write to us.


Thanks for your time & regards,
Sriram Mallik. 


  1. Very well written Sri Ram.
    I strongly agree that one should respect and love our parents. Yes some times we'll yell at them with the stress we face, but that is not right. EGO is our biggest enemy. Do apologize them keeping all Egos a side. - Naveen Varma.

  2. Thank you very much for your valuable words Naveen anna.. Definitely means a lot.. Thanks for being on my side with regards to the content that I wrote. Keep visiting :)
